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Sunday, April 21, 2013

boo-lu's original bios

Boo-Lu's Bio

Age: Lucky 13, plus 1 year!
Monster Parents: Phantom Cemetery Guardians
Killer Style: I have a punky style that comes from my love for punk music. Studs, zippers, pins, patches, Dr. Martens… I love it all! My signature accessory is a bowler hat, and I like to work in a tie (bow ties and neckties) every once in a while. Stripes and plaids and bold patterns rock. I’m not a girly girl, but my look is feminine and strong, like a warrior.
Freaky Flaw: I guess I am most famous for being a bad dancer. How can I be a really good drummer but have NO rhythm when it comes to dancing?! How is that possible?! I also sleep like the dead…hehe. It takes a bullhorn and a crane to wake me from my dreams.
Favorite Activity: MUSIC!!! I play drums in a rock band. I also play keyboards and sing. I write music and I love to go to concerts.
Pet: I have a rescue dog named Bandit. I work on a radio show that networks shelter dogs to ­find them homes. Bandit was a dog that no one wanted. He has a lot of anxiety issues from his terrible life. Plus, he isn’t exactly the cutest dog in the shelter. He is straggly and strange looking and kind of rat-like. The uglier they are, the more I love them, and so Bandit was perfect for me.
Pet Peeve: No whining, PLEASE! I can’t stand it when people complain instead of ­fix things. Self-pity makes me crazy. Be strong and take control. Oh, and because I’m a drummer, it makes me crazy when people clap off beat.

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