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Monday, October 15, 2012

Venus McFlytrap

                                                                    Venus McFlytrap

Quotation1.png Don't be a loser, be a re-user! Quotation2.png
— Venus McFlytrap in "Unearthed Day"
Venus McFlytrap
Monster High Student
Venus Alone.png
Killer StyleBright, loud and in your face. The brightest flowers get the most attention and I'm no shrinking violet when it comes to wanting monsters to look my way.
Freaky FlawRight - I'm passionate about protecting the world we live in and I don't want it trashed-that's not my flaw-but sometimes I accidentally-on purpose use my pollens of persuasion to get monsters to volunteer for my cause.
PetA venus flytrap calledChewlian. He's got a really snappy personality.
Favorite ActivityI like hiking, camping and convincing other monsters how important it is to be caretakers of the world we live in.
Biggest Pet PeeveMonsters who trash the environment.
Fav School SubjectBiteology
Least Fav SubjectWood shop
Favorite ColorGreen
Favorite FoodFresh water and sunshine.
BFFsLagoona Blue andGillington "Gil" Webber
Dolldiaryicon.jpg One Available
information from:

Venus McFlytrap is the daughter of the Plant Monster. She first appeared in "Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love?" as a background character. She is voiced by Julie Maddalena Kliewer.




Venus' personality is like her style, bold and loud. One of the biggest themes present in her personality is care for the environment, even going as far as controlling monsters to support her cause. She will do what she thinks is right, even if it means by force. Although she appears tough and intimidating, she is actually very compassionate, especially towards plants.

Her special skill to control is called "Pollen Persuasion". By unleashing an amount of "special" pollen on a person, she can manipulate their thoughts and actions, but she can do this with only one person at a time. She is aware mind control is a questionable practice, but still does it if she feels the cause is worthy.

Physical DescriptionEdit

Venus has bright green skin with hot pink and green hair, which is shaved on one side and is swept to the left. She has multiple teeth protruding from her mouth (likely to suggest a carnivorous plant) and has vines entangled around her arms, neck, and ankles.

Classic MonsterEdit

The triffids were mobile carnivorous plants seen in Day of the Triffids, a book by John Wyndham, and several film adaptions of the same name. They are described as having no nervous system, therefore quite unintelligent and acting only on instinct.
Another prominent influence is the Venus flytrap Audrey II fromLittle Shop of Horrors, a comedy horror film originally released by Roger Corman in the 1950s, followed by the more well-known musical remake in the 1980s. Audrey II was discovered after a total solar ecplise by Seymore Krelborn, a guy that can't seem to catch a break. He convinces his boss to use the plant (who he named after his crush) to attract customers to the flower shop. It works immediately. However, Audrey II doesn't do so well and begins to wilt. Seymore tries to revive Audrey II and discovers the plant needs fresh blood. With Audrey II healthy and growing the flower shop and Seymore boom in popularity. When Seymore can't use his own blood to feed Audrey II, Audrey II reveals it can speak and demands more food. Seymore complies until he realizes Audry II is actually from outer space here to conquer Earth by breeding copies of itself and brainwashing the inhabitants with some sort of psychic control.
Since Monster High has such a high influence from Greek mythology, there's the presence of Dryads, or tree nymphs. They were said to be beautiful maidens who were spiritually attached to a tree, to which they shared a life-force.

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